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beeswax candle, birthday candles, candle holder, fluted sphere candle, gala candles, Giving Set, natural beeswax, natural pearl white beeswax, pillar candle, taper candle, tube candle pair -

When a new season starts, it always feels like a good time to do a reset both mentally and physically with our surroundings. Why wait for spring to clean-up your space? Let's light a beeswax candle together and declutter while the beeswax candle naturally cleans the air around us.

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beeswax candle, birthday candles, candle holder, Celebration, gala candles, Meditation, Sustainable, taper candle -

We’re sharing how beeswax candles are the cleanest choice of candles for your home and the planet. Learn some of the benefits of beeswax candles over other wax candles and all the beeswax candles we offer for many uses around the house!

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